Zika Virus Advances to Puerto Rico

"Stripe on stripe" by coniferconifer licensed under CC BY 2.0
Stripe on stripe” by coniferconifer licensed under CC BY 2.0

Source: Washington Post

Zika virus has advanced into Puerto Rico – one of the most vulnerable locations in America due to weak access to health-care and lack of basic environmental control services; in fact, more than half of the 3.5 million inhabitants are living well below the poverty line.

More than 700,000 people are expected to become infected by the virus by the end of 2016, based on current living conditions – many of them, young expectant mothers, as Puerto Rico has one of the highest teenage birth rates in America.

One hundred and seventeen cases have been confirmed thus far, and the numbers are expected to continue growing sharply and even pose a threat to the continental US.

Combined with 30 CDC experts that have been sent from the US, $250,000 million of the $9.7 million emergency request funds are being directed toward Puerto Rico in an effort to provide relief and compliment the growing number of cases.

Despite relief efforts, CDC experts maintain that 1 in 5 Puerto Ricans are expected to become infected with the virus.

Read full story at: Washington Post

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Health, News