Women Who Work in Prison Face Harassment Among Colleagues

Unequal Justice in America” by DonkeyHotey licensed under CC BY 2.0

Source: New York Times

Nearly every woman who works in a prison experiences harassment, retaliation or both, according to the New York Times.

At least one-third of the workforce of the Federal Bureau of Prisons is made up of women, and the majority of them have to deal with a cloud of men who run the system and who can determine the path of their careers within the system.

The New York Times spoke with several women in the system to find that many of them find themselves making adjustments and monitoring themselves in order to “blend in” with the men.

Still, these workers still find themselves in sickening situations, being harassed by both colleagues and inmates.

“We wouldn’t even report it anymore because it was almost more exhausting fighting for your right to stick up for yourself than it was just taking it, and knowing that it was coming the next day,” said one woman who works at the BOP.

Read Full Story: New York Times

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