Women Make Up Large Percentage of Students Studying Abroad

Tiny Flags” by Blake Burkhart licensed under CC BY 2.0

Source: The Atlantic

In the U.S., women make up more than two-thirds of students studying abroad, a proportion that has remained relatively the same for the last 10 years, according to a new report.

There are many factor that play into these numbers, including majors that are easier to manage overseas. Traditionally, students in STEM have been mostly men, and these demanding programs limit opportunities for those students to study abroad, while majors in the Humanities, for example, have been traditionally more welcomed in study abroad programs.

Another factor is that today, women make up more than half of students enrolled at Universities across the U.S., which is reflected in more female students joining study abroad programs. But the Atlantic reports that even at universities where the majority of students are men, the majority of students who are studying abroad are still women. At Purdue, for example, 57 percent of students are male, while only 41 percent of them join study abroad programs.

Some universities and programs have taken measures to create more incentives for male students to incorporate study abroad opportunities into their college experience.

At Susquehanna University, for example, students are required to study abroad (within the U.S. or internationally), but still, male students are more likely to do shorter programs because they feel burdened instead at the idea of studying abroad.

Read Full Story: The Atlantic

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