What Women in Leadership Might Imply for Women in Lower Positions

AW9FYG” by Sam Churchill licensed under CC BY 2.0

Source: The Atlantic

While more women are in leading positions for some of America’s biggest companies, their leadership does not necessarily benefit the women in the lower positions.

One study found that women who are in lower positions in companies run by a female CEO usually have lower wages. One explanation offered is that women in leadership positions are better at reading other women and assigning them to positions that fit their experience, than male CEOs. That also means adjusting the women’s wages to reflect accurately what they should be paid, if their experience is lower. Men who are CEOs tend to “lump women together” and women who are lower positions will often be paid as much as someone who is a few ranks above them.

But studies have also found that women in leadership positions are more likely to hire women, to recommend women and to create diverse, successful and productive teams.

The number of women in the workforce is today greater than ever, with at least 73.5 million women, or 47 percent of the workforce, according to the Bureau of Labor Statistics.

And the number of women who are CEOs of America’s biggest companies is growing, with now 27 female CEOs leading Fortune 500 companies – a slow, but steady increase.

Read full story at: The Atlantic

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