Upcoming 2020 Census Faces Issues of Security and Politics

Diversity index of the contiguous United States by block” by Eric Fischer licensed under CC BY 2.0

Source: NPR

Issues over the security and politics of the upcoming 2020 census are brewing as the U.S. government released a draft of potential questions to pose on the national survey.

A draft executive order directs the Census Bureau to include questions to determine a person’s immigration status and citizenship.

Neither the White House nor Census Bureau have responded to requests for comments on the executive order.

Social justice leaders are expressing concerns over adding questions about immigration status, arguing that many Latino families who fear deportation will be unlikely to respond to the questions, which will impact the accuracy of the census.

The number of residents who respond will determine how government money is distributed across the nation, and will determine how many congressional seats each state gets.

While officials of the Census Bureau maintain that the information collected is confidential, there is no saying whether the questions and format of the survey will not dissuade Latino families from responding.

Read full story at: NPR

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