The Road to Change and Equality for One of the Biggest Charities

Source: CNN

Over the years, the Salvation Army, one of the biggest and most recognizable charities dedicated to raising money for individuals in the army or “salvationists”, has developed a bad reputation on how it treats people of the LGBT community.

However, the charity is taking steps to change that.

“The Salvation Army has been advertising that it will help LGBTQ people in need, which is a good step, but it can’t be the only step,” said Ross Murray a director of education and training at GLAAD, as reported by CNN. The charity has supplied volunteers with pamphlets that help explain how they’ve invested in all people, including those of the LGBT community and how it wants to help everyone.

Though it is a good first step toward positive change, the charity will need to back their words and advertising up with action in helping people of all backgrounds.

Read Full Story: CNN

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Foundations, Justice & Poverty, News