Art Museums are Embracing Virtual Reality Technology

L1000888-Edit-2” by Guido van Nispen licensed under CC BY 2.0

Source: The Art Newspaper

Museum curators are slowly, but surely, embracing virtual reality as a tool to bring museum experiences to more communities, and in the search for new art works.

Some museums are in fact moving forward with their virtual reality pursuits, full throttle. Prominent art museums like the New Museum in New York and Somerset House have initiated exhibits to showcase artworks by digital artists through VR, or have used the technology to recreate exhibits from around the world, making them accessible to visitors.

Digital artists are gravitating toward VR too, which in turn will lead museums to do the same across the nation and around the globe.

Curators have been rather cautious about investing in the expensive technology that is still in its early stages of development and experimentation.

Read full story at: The Art Newspaper

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