Study Funded by Major Sugar Companies Criticizes WHO Guidelines on Sugary Foods

sugar” by Lindsey Turner licensed under CC BY 2.0

Source: New York Times

A new study published in the journal The Annals of Internal Medicine criticized the current World Health Organization guidelines on sugar intake that recommends less than 10 percent of one’s diet to include sugars, stating that the guidelines were “based on low quality evidence.”

Lead author of the study, Bradley C. Johnston, defended the report, arguing that the guidelines should be further scrutinized, and defending claims that there is not sufficient evidence to make claims on the harms of sugar intake.

But experts in the health industry fought back, saying that the review ignored trials and evidence from studies that proved harmful effects of high sugar intake, and also argued that the review should not be used to “justify” integrating sugar into one’s diet.

Researchers had “an obvious agenda,” one expert said, as the study was funded by major players in the sugar-industry, like Coca Cola, General Mills, and Hershey’s.

Read full story at: New York Times

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