Study Finds No U.S. State has Sufficient Housing for Low Income Families

“‘Ontheemd’ Les Halles Paris” by FaceMePLS licensed under CC BY 2.0

Source: Geek Wire

The number of affordable units for low-income families across the U.S. is inadequate, according to a new study by the National Low Income Housing Coalition.

The study examined the number of units available to “extremely low income” families, and found that there are no states with sufficient units. Additionally, a number of states are undergoing extreme shortages in affordable housing, including California and Washington.

The study also found that there is no state that has more than 60 affordable units for every 100 people who are living in poverty.

Additionally researchers found that at least 3 million of the 7 million affordable housing units across the U.S. are occupied by higher income families.

Read Full Story: Geek Wire

Justice & Poverty, News
Justice & Poverty, News