Study Finds Correlation Between Using Handheld Devices and Delayed Speech for Toddlers

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Source: CNN

A new study led by researchers at the Hospital for Sick Children in Toronto, Ontario found that children who use handheld devices are more likely to struggle with language development.

The study examined children from the ages of six months to two years and used data collected from parents who reported on the number of hours their children spend using handheld devices; researchers found a direct correlation between using handheld devices more frequently, and facing speech delays.

Nearly 900 children were analyzed for the study led by Dr. Catherine Birken, Pediatrician at the Hospital for Sick Children.

“Every 30-minute increase in daily screen time was linked to a 49% increased risk of what the researchers call expressive speech delay, which is using sounds and words,” reported CNN.

There was no correlation between using handheld devices and difficulties in other areas of communication, however.

Read Full Story at: CNN

Children & Families, Education, News
Children & Families, Education, News