Study: Even if You Gain Significant Weight After Quitting Smoking, Your Health is Still Better Off

cigarette” by moriakimitsuru licensed under CC BY 2.0

Source: WKRN

A new Harvard study published in the New England Journal of Medicine found that even if you gain lots of weight after quitting smoking, you’re more likely to survive and live longer than if you don’t quit smoking.

Though weight gain is a health issue that sometimes comes with quitting smoking, researchers found that ex-smokers who gained weight were at 50 percent lower risk of dying at a younger age.

“The paper makes pretty clear that your health improves, even if you gain weight,” said Dr. William Dietz, public health expert.

The study directly opposes previous studies that have indicated that people who quit smoking gain weight and face an increased risk of developing diabetes.

Read Full Story: WKRN

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