Students in Seattle Public School System Required to be Vaccinated

Source: KSL

Students in the Seattle public school system will be required to be vaccinated by the first week of January in order to be allowed to attend school.

More than 2,000 children need their immunizations updated, according to reporters. The school system is offering offering free immunization clinics to help students get their vaccinations updated.

“If a student comes to school on the 8th and their records aren’t up to date, they’ll just be held aside, their parents or guardian will be contacted,” said one official. If they do miss school because they didn’t get their vaccinations updated, they will be marked as absent.

“All we want is for all people in our schools to be able to come in to school and not worry about getting a disease that is a vaccine-preventable disease,” said Sami Hoag, Seattle schools student health services manager, as reported by KSL.

Read Full Story: KSL

Children & Families, Health, News
Children & Families, Health, News