Since 2017, San Francisco’s Homeless Population Increased Significantly More than Previously Calculated

Source: SF Chronicle

Since 2017, San Francisco’s homeless population significantly increased – more than was previously calculated.

When the city first released numbers for its homeless population earlier this year, the homelessness count showed only a 17 percent increase since 2017. But new numbers released this month showed that if the homeless population had been calculated the same way it had been in previous years, the increase would have been by more than 30 percent since 2017.

The report found that today there are more than 9700 unhoused individuals living in San Francisco, compared to 7499 in 2017.

This includes people who are in jails, hospitals, and rehabilitation centers.

The reason for the disparity between the earlier report and this new one was that the city was not counting those individuals living in jails, hospitals, etc. But reports in past years had counted those individuals, so experts say that not including those individuals now would be misleading in fully capturing how the city’s homeless population has changed over time.

Read Full Story: SF Chronicle

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