SF Officials Warn of Surge in STDs and Urge People to get Tested

Needles and blood 2-16-2011_10” by Wheeler Cowperthwaite licensed under CC BY 2.0

Source: SF Gate

The San Francisco Department of Public Health warned that cases of STD infections are on the rise in the city, with an increase of 144 percent among women between 2017 and 2018.

The widespread disease has led officials to urge women, and LGBT to get tested, as more than 280 babies were born with syphilis in 2017.

Health officials recommend regular testing and using protection when having sex.

“Quite often, someone can have an STD and not show any symptoms. An important way to stop the ongoing spread of STDs is for more people to get checked regularly and talk to their partners about getting checked as well,” said Dr. Susan Philip, STD Controller of San Francisco, as reported by SF Gate.

Read Full Story: SF Gate

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