Would School Choice Allow Students To Select Their Schools or Are Schools Selecting Them?

School hallway” by DMP Alarms licensed under CC BY 2.0

Source: The Atlantic

Would school choice allow students to select their schools or are schools selecting them?

That’s the question that researchers want to answer.

A new study by the National Bureau of Economic Research found that schools may be selecting students more than students are selecting them. The study involved researchers sending out more than 6,000 fake “parent” requests for information on how to apply to different charter and public schools around the country that are currently a part of school choice.

Researchers found that most schools had not replied to inquiries coming from “parents” who submitted surveys responding that their children had special needs, poor behavior or poor academic achievement.

These findings pointed to some of the inherently unfair components that could come with school choice, as researchers pointed out that it could ultimately become a game of schools selecting their students, rather than students selecting the school that best fits their needs.

Read Full Story: The Atlantic

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