Salvadorans Abused, Killed After Being Deported from the U.S.

deport” by Darren Brooks licensed under CC BY 2.0

Source: NBC News

Between 2013 and 2019, at least 138 people were killed in El Salvador after being deported out of the United States, according to a report from Human Rights Watch.

Families who seek asylum in the US are often fleeing violence and danger in their home country, but as evidence has shown, those who are deported end up in dangerous situations that sometimes even results in death.

Human Rights Watch reports that another 70 have been severely abused, assaulted and tortured, since they were deported.

El Salvador is facing a severe humanitarian crisis and deportations are limiting the chances that many have to escape those dangerous situations.

“This has been a brick-by-brick erection of a legal wall by the Trump administration in an attempt to effectively end asylum in the U.S.,” said co-author of the report, Alison Leal Parker, as reported by NBC.

“Salvadorans are by no means the only nationality, but they are one of the populations that will suffer greatly from this.”

Read Full Story: NBC News

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