Report Says ‘Tall Trees’ and Hedges Help Stop Pollution

The Elephant Hedge” by David Merrett licensed under CC BY 2.0

Source: BBC News

A new analysis published in the journal Atmospheric Environment says tall trees and hedges are excellent for battling pollution.

Hedges, in particular, work as good barriers at the “exhaust pipe level” and thus could be good at trapping  pollution coming from cars if they are planted along the streets.

The tight-knit foliage serves as a good net to capture pollution, says lead author of the analysis, Professor Prashant Kumar.

In the UK, councils are starting to charge households for green waste, and some households might begin to remove hedges and trees to avoid charges. If they remove greenery, however, neighborhoods could be impacted by the loss of trees which help clean the air.

Read Full Story:  BBC News


Environment, News
Environment, News