New York Schools Integrating Mental Health Topics into Curriculum

Mental Health week” by Marie. L. licensed under CC BY 2.0

Source: My Twintiers

In New York, schools are making an effort to help students understand that speaking on and working on mental health is important and normal.

Beginning this new school year, the state is requiring schools to teach on mental health and New York will become the first state to require schools to include mental health topics in their curriculum.

“We don’t whisper about someone with other diseases, but we do whisper about mental health and we have to change that whisper and we have to talk about it much more openly,” says one representative of the NYS Mental Health Association.

Schools are integrating social and emotional learning to teach about mental health and how to improve it, in hopes of removing stigmas surrounding the topic. A number of schools are also hiring psychologists and social workers to help with the effort.

Read Full Story: My Twintiers

Education, Health, News
Education, Health, News