New Connecticut Bill Adds a 5-Cent Tax on Plastic and Paper Shopping Bags

Waiting” by Yutaka Seki Envoy licensed under CC BY 2.0

Source: Hartford Courant

The new 5-cent tax on plastic and paper shopping bags was approved by Connecticut’s environment committee, with a favorable vote of 19-10. The money from the tax will go towards funding Connecticut’s state parks.

Approximately 950 million plastic bags are used every year, and environmentalists have been urging lawmakers to find ways to restrict, discourage, or ban the use of plastic bags to prevent further plastic pollution in the world’s oceans.

Both Democrats and Republicans were in favor of the legislation. However, some representatives voiced concerns regarding the possible impact the tax would have on low-income consumers, and whether $20 million in new revenue could be solely and safely allocated to Connecticut’s state parks.

Read full story at: Hartford Courant

Environment, News
Environment, News