New Animated Movie Aims to Offer Accurate Depiction of Culture

pixar-1” by Ian Ransley licensed under CC BY 2.0

Source: Mercury News

A new animated movie produced by Pixar and Disney Studios is set to highlight the importance of culture within the framework of America.

“Coco,”a film that celebrates the customs and traditions of Mexican culture, is believed to oppose the current government administration’s anti-immigrant laws.

“Considering all the divisive rhetoric coming out of Washington and all the talk of building a wall, this film is a bridge toward a more prosperous and positive outcome,” said Benjamin Bratt, one of the main stars of “Coco.”

The developers behind the movie also worked with a team of cultural consultants to present an authentic depiction of Mexico to educate both younger and older audiences.

“We wanted a representation that was nuanced and truthful, and every decision was thoughtfully done,” said the movie’s co-director and writer Adrian Molina.

Read Full Story: Mercury News

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