Microplastics Make it to the Most Remote Locations in the World

Plastic” by Hillary Daniels licensed under CC BY 2.0

Source: The Guardian

A new study from the Ecolab Research Institute found that microplastics are appearing in even the most remote regions of the world, including, mostly recently, areas of the French Pyrenees mountains.

Wind can carry microplastics to the highest, deepest and most remote areas of the planet and these microplastics can later be found in the food and water that humans drink – though researchers have not yet identified how these microplastics affect human health.

Published in the journal Nature Communications, the study found that the microplastics had traveled far distances the mountains, carried by the wind from locations as far as 120km.

“It’s astounding and worrying that so many particles were found,” said lead author of the study, Steve Allen, who reported that the research team discovered at least 365 plastic particles were deposited per square metre every day.

Read Full Story: The Guardian

Environment, News
Environment, News