Met Museum Lays Off Dozens of Employees

"The Met" by Steam Pipe Trunk Distribution Venue licensed under CC BY 2.0
“The Met” by Steam Pipe Trunk Distribution Venue licensed under CC BY 2.0

Source: Art Net

The Metropolitan Museum of Art in New York City recently laid off tens of museum workers after facing a $10 million deficit.

The museum has been mounting debt for months, and now has turned to firing lower-level staff, particularly many from the development and education departments. Many workers were offered buyouts and approximately 60 employees accepted.

Among those who left the museum are the Vice President of Marketing and External Relations, the Head of Design, and the Chief Digital Officer.

The museum itself suffered, as the number of exhibits has drastically been reduced as well as the scale of upcoming events. Renovations and expansions have also been paused at the moment.

Read full story at: Art Net

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