Legislature Rejects Bill Requiring Doctors to Report Pregnant Women Abusing Drugs

Mirrored belly” by Dustin Askins licensed under CC BY 2.0

Source: Press Herald

A legislative committee in Maine rejected a bill that would require doctors to report pregnant women who may be abusing drugs.

The decision was largely influenced by addiction experts who believe that pregnant women battling substance abuse might avoid the doctor’s office for fear of losing their children.

While current law requires doctors to notify health and human services when they suspect a infant should be treated for exposure to drugs or alcohol, the rejected proposal would have made it mandatory for treatment counselors and providers to report pregnant women who they believe are abusing substances.

Recent studies indicate that between the years of 2006 and 2016, about 1 in 12 infants born in Maine were reported to be negatively impacted by drugs.

As a result, children who must undergo extreme detox treatments after birth often face life-threatening health issues throughout their lives.

Read Full Story: Portland Press Herald

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