Dumping Grounds and Pollution Growing at U.S.-Mexico Border

IMG_1418” by Casey Renner licensed under CC BY 2.0

Source: Desert Sun

At the U.S.-Mexico border, pollution is growing as the region becomes a dumping ground for old metal scraps and a centre of polluting factories.

Since 2010, nearly 80 people in the region have died from asthma and 908 others suffered and died from pulmonary disease. Many are also living with lung problems caused by air pollution.

The region is one of the most heavily polluted in the Americas, according to the Desert Sun, with particulate pollution levels that are often violating U.S. standards.

Neither the U.S. nor Mexico have taken the matter seriously, reports the Desert Sun, and factories continue to pollute the region at the cost of hundreds of lives every year.

According to data from the World Health Organization, in 2016, Mexicali and the surrounding region had one of the worst particulate pollution in the Americas, at about 85 micrograms per cubic meter. Particulate matter can be caught in human lungs when breathing and can lead to breathing problems, heart attacks and even cancer.

Read Full Story: Desert Sun

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Environment, News