Boston: Clean Energy Future in The Making

Boston Sunset” by walknboston licensed under CC BY 2.0

Source: WBUR

Boston, Massachusetts is nailing down a plan to be carbon-free by 2050, pledging to gets its energy from renewable resources, according to a new report released this week by the Boston Green Ribbon Commission.

The report essentially outlined sectors of the region that need immediate improvement in order to achieve 100 percent carbon-free energy, including buildings to reduce energy consumption; transportation culture to transform how people get from one place to another; reduction of waste in order to eliminate greenhouse gas emissions; and ultimately rethinking electricity resources.

Experts estimate that the efforts could help residents in the region save more than $600 million every year as these changes are implemented by 2050.

Boston leaders said they are prepared to explore more options and discuss how these might lead to a need for new legislation, policies, education and programs to help their plan toward renewable energy progress more quickly.

Read Full Story: WBUR

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Environment, News