Boarding Schools Implementing All-Gender Housing

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Source: NPR

Phillips Exeter Academy in New Hampshire is one of many preparatory schools that have been implementing gender-neutral dorms.

Boarding schools across the country are moving away from single-sex dorms and are creating all-gender dormitories in order to help fit the needs of students.

Professors and counselors will oversee the conversion and seek to implement discussions and new course curriculum surrounding gender.

While some students did not advocate a change in the dorm policies, nearly 90 percent of Exeter students surveyed support the new boarding arrangements.

“Our idea is to bring young people from all over the world, from all walks of life, from all backgrounds — and, frankly, from all gender and sexuality background,” states John Palfrey, the head of Phillips Academy in Andover, which is implementing gender neutral dorms.

“So I see this as entirely in keeping with our long tradition.”

Read full story at: NPR

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Education, News