Bird Murals Raising Awareness of Threatened Species

Birds of a Feather/Junk Book Online Class” by Kim Schuster licensed under CC BY 2.0

Source: New York Times

A team of artists in Manhattan are honoring painter and naturalist John James Audubon through murals depicting various endangered bird species.

Led by a local art gallery owner, the group is memorializing Audubon’s legacy through creative massive scale paintings of birds.

Working with the National Audubon Society, the artists have painted 80 out of the 314 species that are currently threatened due to climate change.

With many of the artists being anthropologists and environmental activists, the murals help to exhibit the accuracy and beauty of the animals.

The group hopes citizens will not only appreciate the murals but will also work to preserve bird species for future generations.

Read Full Story: New York Times

Arts Media & Culture, Environment, News
Arts, Media & Culture, Environment, News