Artist Encourages Patrons to Treat His Art as Trash

Art Is Trash, Sofa” by MsSaraKelly licensed under CC BY 2.0

Source: LA Times

An artist in Los Angeles is encouraging his patrons to step and kick his art to create what he calls “an art landfill.”

Jeff Gillette opened his exhibit entitled “Total Dismay” to illustrate the subjective relationship between art and garbage.

While his paintings of shanty towns and landfills are often worth thousands of dollars, Gillette made $5 paper reproductions of his works to convey the dynamic between high art and its patrons.

“Who sets the value on art?  It’s pretty arbitrary,” explained Gillette.

“It’s more to do with commerce and people flipping art and making money.  I’m working on the far bottom end of that spectrum.  Is it garbage or art?  You decide,” he added.

Read full story at: LA Times

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