Study: Physical Health Influenced by Happiness, Life Satisfaction

smile” by Hamza Butt licensed under CC BY 2.0

Source: Science Daily

Life satisfaction and happiness has a direct factor on one’s physical well-being based on new findings.

According to the journal Applied Psychology: Health and Well-Being, subjective well-being can impact one’s physical health through different health behaviors.

“Scores of studies show that our levels of happiness verses stress and depression can influence our cardiovascular health, our immune system strength to fight off disease, and our ability to heal from injuries,” explained Ed Diener, professor and co-author of the report.

“We now have to take very seriously the finding that happy people are healthier and live longer, and that chronic unhappiness can be a true health threat,” he added.

Doctors and researchers are beginning to value the importance of mental habits that impacts patients’ happiness and overall physical health.

Read full story at: Science Daily

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