Low-Income Individuals Could Face Medical Setbacks with Medicaid Cutbacks

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Source: LA Times

Under the Affordable Care Act, expanded Medicaid is helping those in poverty receive better healthcare.

According to new research, low-income individuals in states such as Arkansas and Kentucky are receiving more treatments due to fewer costs that are accompanied with hospital visits.

In comparison, those in states which did not expand Medicaid received few medical benefits.

As a main component of Obamacare, funding to Medicaid programs could decrease and impact more than 70 million low-income Americans.

“With the changes being debated in Washington, we think this is very important to understanding the impact that [a repeal of Obamacare] might have on the most vulnerable people,” said lead researcher of the study Dr. Benjamin Sommers.

Read Full Story: LA Times


Children & Families, Health, Justice & Poverty, News
Children & Families, Health, Justice & Poverty, News