Human Rights Watch Reports that Thousands of Children in Armenia are Separated from Their Families

“October park day” by Ian D. Keating licensed under CC BY 2.0

Source: Human Rights Watch

Human Rights Watch released a 102-page report that highlights how thousands of children in Armenia live away from their families and are placed in orphanages and residential schools due to poverty and disabilities, demonstrating a lack of inclusivity and inequality.

The report also found that the Armenian government is not putting their resources toward alleviating inequality and reducing the number of children in institutions. A study conducted by UNICEF shows that maintaining children in institutions in Armenia costs between 3,000 and 5,000 US dollars, while such funding can be used for community-based services and supporting families.

Human Rights Watch states, “Failing to provide family-based care for children with disabilities on an equal basis with other children is discriminatory and should be ended immediately.”

To learn more about Human Rights Watch, watch our interview with Deputy Executive Director of Development & Global Initiatives, Michele Alexander: