Exhibits in San Diego County Showcase Obstacles Faced by War Veterans

Honoring Veterans” by Fort Rucker licensed under CC BY 2.0

Source: San Diego Union Tribune

A new series of exhibits in San Diego County is showcasing the struggles and obstacles faced by war veterans.

The project, entitled “Healing Journeys: Veterans & Artists Unite,” will be held at the Oceanside Museum of Art and allows veterans to display their stories through sculptures, photographs, and prints.

In particular, one area of the exhibit, entitled “A Time to Heal,” centers on the battle wounds endured by veterans during their times in service.

“A Time to Heal” features a series of letters in which veterans explain the physical and emotional obstacles they had to endure.

The exhibits highlight the relationship between art and healing and how the creative process can be used to overcome personal traumas.

Watch this two-minute preview of our interview with Al Avina, Executive Director of the Blinded Veterans Association, discussing the importance of creating a network of support for veterans who are blind, to help them overcome depression and trauma.

Read Full Story: San Diego Union Tribune 

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